Terms of Use

These Terms of User (License Agreement) (“Terms”) constitute an agreement between you (hereinafter “you”, “User”) and BetBake (“Us”, “We”, or “Our”, “Service”, “Website”) that applies to the use of BetBake Website betbake.com (“Website”), registering for a BetBake Account (“Account”) or using any other Services provided by BetBake. User agrees to accept and comply with these Terms stated below. The User must read the entire Terms carefully before using this Website and any of the Services.

You understand and agree that any Personal Information provided to Us will be governed by Our Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”). The Privacy Policy is available through Our Website and forms an integral part of these Terms of Service.



Account” means an account registered by the User on the BetBake Service. Account Credentials - the login data that is used by the User to access the Account.

Confidential information” means information that the User receives or learns as a result of using of the Services, or otherwise as a result of his/her access and use of the Service, regardless of whether or not such information is designated as confidential, provided that such the information is not generally known to the public and/or openly published on the Website.

Customer gross turnover” means the amount deposited by the User and the profit received by the User during the use of the Service.

Customer gross profit” means the amount of the profit received by the User during the use of the Service.

Fee” means the BetBake remuneration for the provision of the Software to the User that is calculated in accordance with terms set here in the Terms.

Law” means all applicable laws, regulations, orders and rulings, interpretations and statements of policy of any Governmental authority, authority, agency, or body, which in an appropriate case has jurisdiction over BetBake, the User, or their operations.

Personal data” means information that identifies an individual, such as name, address, e-mail address, etc.

Service” means BetBake Website, Platform, BetBake Software, and other Products and Services any and all other Services, Products, Content, and Materials provided by BetBake.

User” means the person or legal entity that uses the Service.

Withdrawal order” means an obligation of the User to make a withdrawal of the funds from the third-party service and immediately notify BetBake of the exact amount of the Customer gross turnover.


2.1. According to this Agreement BetBake shall provide the User non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to use the Service for automated bet placement and the User shall pay for the Service according to the terms set by the BetBake.

2.2. These Terms also govern, and the term “Software” includes, any patches, revisions, updates, upgrades, releases or replacements of the Software, or separate scripts, modules or software to be used with or in conjunction with the Software (“Updates”) that may be subsequently delivered to you or that you may subsequently receive unless other terms and conditions are delivered with such Updates, in which case such terms and conditions shall govern.

2.3. The Service provides the User with information, which is compiled by analyzing data and odds of bookmakers and betting exchanges.

2.4. The Service provides the User with the possibility to place bets on the third-party bookmaker’s websites (third parties). However, the service is not a bookmaker or a gamble and should be recognized as a tool that allows automating a bet placement process.


3.1. Obligations and rights of BetBake:

3.1.1. To grant the User the right to use Software, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

3.1.2. BetBake provides the User the Service on “as is” and “as available” basis. BetBake in any manner is not responsible for the cooperation or any activities of the User with third parties.

3.1.2. To provide 24-hour a day/7days a week technical and informational support for the Service.

3.1.3. To transmit or in any other way to concede without any restrictions the rights to use the Service to third parties.

3.1.4. To protect and anonymize any personal data of the User provided for the Service according to the Privacy Policy.

3.1.5. BetBake reserves the right at any time without stating reasons to require the User to provide the document(s) proving his identity (e.g. scanned copy of passport, driver's license, and other documents) and block the User’s account.

3.1.6. BetBake ​​is not responsible for the consequences of using the information provided by the Service.

3.1.7. BetBake does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and compliance of the information provided on the Service but makes every possible effort to improve and increase the quality of the data presented.

3.1.8. BetBake shall not be liable to the User or any third party for any special, punitive, incidental, indirect or consequential damages or losses of any kind, including, without limitation, damages resulting from the use of the Service, regardless of whether the Service warned of such damage or not.

3.2. Obligations and rights of the User :

3.2.1. By registering an Account, the User expressly represents and warrants, provides explicit consent, and accepts these Terms, Privacy Policy, and other instructions provided by BetBake, is at least 18 years of age, and that the laws of User’s country do not prohibit the use of Our Services. It is the User’s responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of the User’s country of residence or from which they enter and use the Website and/or Our Services. The User is aware that the use of the Service may be subject to certain legal restrictions.

3.2.2. To protect and anonymize any personal data of the User provided for the Service.

3.2.3. To take the right to use the Service and pay fees.

3.2.4. To use the Service in accordance with these Terms, as well as in accordance with the rules and regulations, terms and conditions, and the Privacy Policy which states an integral part of this Terms of Use.

3.2.5. To provide all the necessary information (login/password / URL / proxy settings) to engage the Service.

3.2.6. The User may add and connect multiple access credentials and supplementary data to the Service for automated bet placement.

3.2.7. The User shall make use of the Software and other actions connected to the use of the Service in accordance with the instructions provided by BetBake Service.

3.2.8. The User shall acknowledge the substantial risks associated with the use of the Service and if not to follow these Terms, regulations, and other BetBake instructions.

3.2.9. The User undertakes to record and provide to BetBake the information on all operations of depositing and withdrawing funds from third-party services, as well as to record the fact that the withdrawn funds are credited to the User’s bank account/e-wallet.

3.2.10. The User in the Account shall switch the “On Hold” option to pause the Service if the User takes any actions with third-party services.

3.2.11. The User may not use any Product, Software, or Service in a manner or for a purpose that infringes upon the lawful rights of others or contravenes any applicable laws.

3.2.12. The User is aware that the use of the Service may be subject to certain legal restrictions.

3.2.13. The User understands and agrees that if there are restrictions or prohibitions in the jurisdiction of the current location country, then all responsibility for any damage resulting from a violation of such prohibition or failure to comply with the relevant requirements solely lies with the User.

3.2.14. The User also understands that when using the Service, BetBake does not have any additional obligations to inform, prevent and/or train the User.

3.2.15. All actions performed using the User credentials are completed by the User. The User shall not pass any Account credentials (login data, password) to a third party.

3.2.16. In case of loss or disclosure of the information about password and/or login, the User is obliged to immediately change the password assigned.

3.2.17. Refusal to adhere to these terms shall entail the termination of relations with the User and entitle BetBake to perform all other necessary measures. Moreover, in case the User disagrees with any of the set here terms, the User is obliged to stop using the Service.

3.2.18. The User makes use of the information and functionality provided by the Service at one’s own risk. The User understands all the risks, possible losses related to the use of the Service. The User is obliged to control the provision of the Service and bear all the responsibility for the result and consequences including positive and negative.

3.2.19. The User is aware of the risks regarding possible various technical reasons that may lead to discrepancy or distortion of the Service and refuses any claims to the BetBake related to compensation of possible losses that are indirectly or directly caused by using the information and the functionality provided.

3.2.20. The User agrees not to launch services similar to BetBake or any other projects to generate funds from third parties using data provided by BetBake.

3.2.21. The Service is fully dependent on the working stability and the working logic of third-party websites. Here are the most common situations, but not a complete list of situations, that may result in the impossibility of retrieving the third-party data and/or the possibility to place a bet:

- bookmaker's website is down;

- third-party website banned user's profile;

- third-party website limited the maximum stake for betting;

- third-party website made changes to their website’s interface or functionality;

- odds changed;

- the market is closed;

- the User has made any actions on the third-party website while using the Service.

3.2.25. The Service does not provide any warranties that:

- User’s bets will always be winning;

3.2.26. The user is obliged when processing privacy information to comply with the Privacy policy of the Service and the GDPR.

3.2.27. The Service may redirect the User to other sites on the Internet or include references to information, materials, and/or services provided by other parties. These sites may contain information or materials that the User may find inappropriate or offensive. These third-party sites, as well as organizations, are not under the control of BetBake, and the User acknowledges that the Service is not responsible for the authenticity, third-party copyright, legitimacy, decency, or any other aspect contained on these sites. Also, BetBake is not responsible for errors or omissions in any references to third-party resources, products, or services. The inclusion of such a link or reference is provided merely as a convenience and does not imply endorsement or association of the Service with the site or organization, nor does it provide any guarantees.

3.2.28. In case if the User uses the third-party services after the redirection, the User should compile with and observe the rules, terms, and conditions that are established by these services including terms of Privacy protection policy. In no way, the Service is not responsible for any means. The User uses third-party services and redirects on other websites at his own discretion only.


4.1. The fee of the User amounts to 50 % percent of the profit received by the User (“Customer gross profit”) as a direct result of the Service provided by the BetBake, based on this the invoice is issued to the User.

4.2. BetBake sets in each case on its own discretion the limits when requests the User to make a withdrawal of funds from a third-party service and notify BetBake of the amount of the Customer gross turnover in 2 weeks after the request. After the request, BetBake terminates to provide the Service to the User till the moment the invoice is paid as a set force in p. 4.3. and 4.4. of the Agreement.

4.2.1. In case if during the 2 weeks term set in p. 4.2. of the Agreement the User does not provide the Customer gross profit information and does not make a withdrawal, the User’s account on the Service remains terminated.

4.2.2. In case if during 2 weeks term set in p. 4.2. of the Agreement the User provides the Customer gross profit information and makes a withdrawal, the User shall notify the Service when the withdrawn funds are deposited to the bank account/electronic wallet during the following two weeks after the provision of the Customer gross information to the Service and the withdrawal, but no later than 4 calendar weeks after the request made by BetBake as set in p. 4.2. During this period the Service remains terminated till the User notifies the Service that the Withdrawal has been requested or till the User notifies the Service that the withdrawn funds have been deposited to his bank account/e-wallet as a set force in this subparagraph of the Agreement.

4.3. The invoice shall be paid to the BetBake by the User up to 5 days after the issuing. In case the payment is not provided in the period set here, BetBake has the right to freeze the User’s account immediately and terminate this agreement for the User as well as to take any appropriate legal measures to recover the debt, including but not limited to claims to the court.

4.4. The invoice is deemed settled when the Service receives the funds in its bank account.

5.1 During the use of the Service, the User may transfer certain information to the Service, including the personal data of the third parties only if they have provided explicit consent for such processing.

5.2. The Service may only perform the processing in accordance with this Terms and Privacy Policy and the Instructions applicable at any given time and not to transfer the information to third parties, except for the purpose and frames set here or in the Privacy Policy or otherwise expressly provided in the legislation.

6.1. BetBake may suspend or terminate the provision of the Services to you:
6.1.1. without notice, if the User breaches or otherwise fails to comply with any provision of these Terms Our other terms;
6.1.2. at any time for any reason on notice to you or by posting a message to you through the Services or Service’s communication channels.

7. BetBake intellectual property rights
7.1. All trade names, company names, trademarks, service marks, and other Product, Software, or Service names and logos are the proprietary marks of BetBake, are protected by law and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the consent of their respective owners. These Terms do not grant the User any rights in respect of any such marks.
7.2. For purposes of these Terms of use, the content is defined as any information, data, communications, software, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, and other materials and services that can be viewed by the User on the Service.
7.3. The User has no right to copy, reproduce, modify, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute any documents or information from the Service in any manner without the prior written permission of BetBake. Any unauthorized use of materials from the Service may lead to the violation of copyright laws, protection of trademarks, and other laws. In the event of such unfair or illegal actions, the User may be held liable as prescribed by law, including criminal prosecution.

8.1. The User understands and agrees that any feedback, input, suggestions, recommendations, improvements, changes, specifications, test results, or other data or information, with the exception of the credentials and other data used by the Service for authorization that you provide or make available to BetBake arising from or related to your use of the Products, Software or Services shall become BetBake exclusive property and may be used by BetBake to modify, enhance, maintain and improve the Products, Software, and Services without any obligation or payment to you whatsoever.
8.2. You acknowledge that any unauthorized disclosure of BetBake confidential information to third parties who are not users of BetBake Services may cause immediate and irreparable harm to BetBake. Consequently, the User agrees to take all reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality of the Services and any related documentation and materials, and shall not, without BetBake prior written consent, disclose, or make them available in any form to any other person, except to the extent reasonably required for the use of the Services.
8.3. BetBake reserves the right to disclose information about the User and Transactions to the extent BetBake is required to do so by applicable law, lawful authorities, or by a court of competent jurisdiction and in other cases as prescribed in Our Privacy Policy. You agree that BetBake may charge you for any costs or expenses BetBake incurs in order to comply with such requirements.

9.1. BetBake may change these Terms (including Our Privacy Policy), Our Fees, and any other policies and procedures by posting revisions to BetBake Website from time to time without notice or liability. You understand that it is your responsibility to check Our Website from time to time for any such changes.
9.2. BetBake may also change, augment, improve, update, enhance, modify, discontinue, remove features from, or impose limitations or restrictions on Products, Software, and Services or alter the design, construction, functions, and features thereof from time to time without notice or liability. If you do not agree with any such changes, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate your use of Our Products, Software, and Services by delivering written notice within such time or by not accepting such changes when they are presented.
9.3. Your continued use of the Products, Software, or Services thereafter is deemed to be your agreement to and acceptance of any such changes.

10.1. The User agrees that Service will be entitled to treat all Transactions, orders, subscriptions, communications, transmissions, and other activity in the course of using the Services under Account Credentials created by you as having been authorized by you.
10.2. Transaction records will constitute conclusive proof of the User’s use of the Services. The User agrees to be solely responsible for the result gained from all actions and activities undertaken using your Credentials..
10.3. The User also agrees to be solely responsible for safeguarding Products and Software from loss, theft, compromise, or unauthorized access. If the User believes the security of any of the Credentials has been compromised, or the User suspects unauthorized access or use of Credentials or any Product, or if any product or device logged in the Service is lost, misplaced, or stolen, the User must notify the Service immediately and, in the case of a lost, misplaced or stolen Product or device with Software installed, immediately deactivate or unlink such Product or device.
10.4. The User will be responsible for all Transactions and activity until you notify the Service and We have had a reasonable opportunity to suspend such Credentials.
10.5. If We suspect that there has been fraudulent or unauthorized use of your Account or Credentials or any of Our Products, Software or Services, including fraudulent or unauthorized Transactions, orders, or subscriptions, We reserve the right to suspend or terminate such Credentials and/or access to the Services while such activity is being investigated and suspend or cancel any pending Transactions, if We can do so. In such an event, We will also use reasonable efforts to contact you. You agree to cooperate and provide reasonable information to Us in connection with Our investigation of any suspicious, fraudulent, or unauthorized use of Credentials, Products, Software, or Services.
10.6. The user acknowledges and agrees that Transactions may be transmitted or facilitated through third-party facilities, third-party services, or common carriers, including without limitation the Internet. While BetBake will implement and maintain commercially reasonable security measures designed to safeguard Transactions and Balances, it may be possible for third parties to corrupt or interfere with the same.

11.1. Although the Service may be accessible worldwide, BetBake makes no representation that the Service may be used outside Malta or territories where its content is illegal or prohibited. Those who choose to use the Service from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.
11.2. Advertising materials, products, services, and/or information provided by the Service are void where prohibited.

12.1. All notices the User sends in writing via email. The notices must be sent to the customer support department at [email protected]. BetBake uses the Users data specified during registration to communicate with them. Moreover, BetBake may send notifications or messages through the site in order to inform Users about changes or other important issues.

By creating the Account or accessing or using the Service or any of the Services (each as defined by the BetBake), you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and completely agree to these Terms, as updated and amended from time to time. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms or by any subsequent amendments, changes, or updates, you may not access or use any of the Services, and if you do access or use any of the Services, you will be bound by these Terms, as updated and amended from time to time; your only recourse in the case of your unwillingness to be bound by these Terms is to stop using all of the Services.

These Terms are made on Dec, 01, 2021 (“Effective Date”)