
Dear visitor, we would like to warn you that bookmaker arbing activities are connected to a certain risks that we would like you to be aware of. The majority of bookies consider arbing as a kind of fraud. So they have a number of effective instruments to determine and reduce the number of winning acconts.

Max stake size limitation

New accounts at a bookie website are issued a certain credit of trust and the maximum stake allowed to be placed is usually valued at dozens to hundreds and sometimes even thousands of euros (or other currency equivalent).

However as the number of your winning bets goes up compared to the number loosing ones a bookie may decide to reduce the size of the maximum stake for your account and can progress doing this as the time goes..

Account blocking

Sad to tell you this, but there are some bookies that may decide to block your account due to a certain reason. There may be multiple reasons for this. This usually does not happen when you register an account and start arbing, but you should be aware of such a risk.